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-- The Spirit behind the music

Had you investigate what the popular singers believe? Because that is what they
are going to transmit in their songs, and those songs can be full of blasphemies
and we are not able to detect them. For example on February 2010 the popular
singer Elton John mention that Jesus was a super-intelligent gay man; what kind
of music do you thing he is going to sing, in the same article you can read he
mentions about his homosexuality and addiction to the cocaine.

Read the article here

How powerful can be the music? Could it be possible that there is a bad spirit
behind the music? I would like to shere an outline about what the Bible says



The origin of the music

Jubal “The father of the music”

Jubal’s music

Contemporary music and Jubal’s

The spirit behind the music

The creation of the musical angel

Musical angel’s ministry

Power of the musical angel

The power of the music

The good music

The bad music




Jubal “The father of the music”

What influence Jabal to write the music?

His family

Immorality (Genesis 4:19)

Violence (Genesis 4:23-24)

Far from God (Lamech = Consagration)

The environment

False invocation of God (Genesis 4:26)

Yoked with unbelievers (Genesis 6:2)

Evil continually (Genesis 6:5)

Contemporary music and Jubal’s

Same characteristics




Jesus said like in the days of Noah

Same kind of life (Matthew 24:37)


The creation of the musical angel

Main angels (no really angels)




Main mission of each angel

Gabriel is messenger

Miguel is warrior

Satan is musician (He is not really an angel)

Sata's creation

With opulence (Eze 28.13)

With music

Angel Musical’s Ministry

Assignation of the musical ministry

Workmanship = Ministry = mel-aw-kaw‘

Strong dictionary H4399 = properly deputyship, that is, ministry; generally employment (never servile) or work (abstractly or concretely)

Instruments present when the angel was created

Viols (Isa 14.11)

Tabret, tambourines (Eze 28.13)

Pipes, flutes

An orchestra is composed by instruments of




Power of the Musical Angel

What kid of power Satan has?

Has the glory of the world (Luk 4.6-7)

He gives power of the world

Exchange glory by worship

Deceive people from church (1 Ti 4.1)

Spirits seduce minds

Has devils working from him


The Good Music

Musician from God (1 Sa 16.23)

Is not controlled by a bad spirit

Plays good worship music

Good worshiping music

Allows to breath (Strong dictionary H7304 Refresh = Breathe freely, To revive)

Make depart demons

Can be used to worship God (Psa 96.1)

God likes good music

The Bad Music

About the bad music (Amo 5.23-24)

God doesn't approve all music

Bad music is like noise

Makes that God decline to listen

Doesn’t matter if is played at church

Needs to be played and sang by a consecrated Christian


Christian singer confess to be homosexual

Miami, FL.- Ray Boltz, considerado uno de los mejores
cantautores de la música cristiana contemporánea, ha
sorprendido recientemente a su público al confesar
abiertamente en una entrevista ser homosexual

El cantante de 55 años de edad, es mejor conocido por su canción “Thank You” que se ha convertido en un tema muy cantado en servicios funerarios cristianos. Durante su carrera de casi 20 años, Boltz obtuvo cuantiosos álbumes certificados de Oro por la RIAA, tres Dove Awards por medio de la Gospel Music Association (GMA) y varios éxitos Nº1 en radios cristianas.

“Yo tan sólo admití lo que había estado enfrentando y lo que sentía”, comentó a Blade, señalando que ese fue el difícil momento en el que aceptó públicamente su homosexualidad.

Source: Christianity Today. Edición:

Christian singer Guglielmucci lie about cancer

The Christian newswires are abuzz today, because a big earthquake hit Melbourne with its epicenter down at
Planetshakers. Michael Guglielmucci confessed that his battle with terminal cancer has all been a lie. Alun Davies
immediately suspended his ministerial credentials.

The former pastor with one of Australia's biggest youth churches, Planetshakers, inspired hundreds of thousands of young Christians around the world as he performed with an oxygen tube in his nose. Healer became an anthem of faith for believers, many of whom are suffering illnesses and were praying for Mr Guglielmucci. The song, featured on Hillsong's latest album, debuted at No. 2 on the ARIA charts.

In a YouTube video, he tells how the news from the hospital that he had "quite an aggressive form of cancer" inspired his song. "I just went home. I knew I had to go home and needed to get alone with God," he says in the video.


Rammstein: Weißes Fleisch

The next song shows what the devil can transmit on the music:

You, in the schoolyard

I am ready to kill

and no one here knows

of my loneliness

Red welts on white skin

I hurt you

and you cry loudly

Now you are scared

and I am ready

my black blood soils your dress

Your white flesh excites me so

I am just a gigolo

your white flesh enlightens me

My black blood and your white flesh

I get ---- and ----

from your screams

the cold sweat on your white forehead

hails into my sick brain

Your white flesh excites me so

I am just a gigolo

my father was exactly like me

your white flesh enlightens me

Now you are scared and I am ready

my sick existence

cries for redemption

your white flesh becomes

my scaffold

in my heaven there is no god



The music has power (Amo 5.23-24)

There is one evil spirit who wants to control all music

God doesn't approve all Christian music


Watch what you listen (Mark 4.24)

See how you listen (Luk 8.18)

Protect your heart (Pr 4.23)

Worship just God (Psa 33.2)

Be honest, this music is for…

Start a new relationship with God (John 1.12)


The next video shows the reality about the music in our days:


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